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We know finding a church can be challenging.  From services to education to outreach, First Presbyterian Church Ashland wants you  to know who we are so you can join us as you are.


Worship:  Sunday Service begins at 10:50 AM.  We have two entrances available on the 16th street side.  Ushers will greet you at the Narthex.


Sunday School:  Come to the basement entrance of the church.  There are classes for children and for Adults.  Sunday School starts at 9:30 AM.


Parking:  If you come by car, please feel free to park on the city streets, side alley or the Community Trust Bank parking lots.


Parking for the Mobility Impaired:  Several parking spaces are available in front of the church, 16th Street, or the side alley marked “handicapped parking”.  These are informal designations.  You do not need an official handicapped tag in these spaces.


Children Welcome:  For those who choose it, childcare is provided for children who have not yet entered the 2nd grade.  Our Nursery Attendant is a paid part-time position.


Wondering what to wear?  There is no dress code.  Whether you are dressed formally or informally, God welcomes you as do we!

1600 Winchester Avenue, Ashland, Kentucky  41101
606.324.4122 | |

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